
Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Santas were finished this morning at 2am. They are wrapped and ready to go.

Trivet still in progress. This is going to a friend tonight. Nothing like last minute.

And the wall hanging...well....its basted. Technically, I still have til Russian Christmas (January 7th) to finish. At least that's what I'm telling myself so I don't feel like a complete failure. I will finish.

To all of you out there Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! May the magic and joy of the season bring happiness and health to you and your families! Now commence unhealthy food to face.....repeatedly.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

So many Santas

The count down to Christmas continues! In a mad dash to make some Christmasy things, I whipped up these Santa ornaments this afternoon. They will be gifts for the fam. I received one of these guys as a gift from a co-worker and mocked up my own pattern from it. Here's the original.

In the haste of making, I learned a cutting mat does not double as an ironing board. Ugh.
My guys still need eyes, noses and stashes. But I'm pooped so they'll have to wait.

 Don't get alarmed! I am not an alcoholic. These have been collected from a friend....who is also not an alcoholic, he just actually drinks. I plan on turning them into a trivet. Another project I intend to wing. Wish me luck! After all the Christmas madness I may be able to supply my own bottle caps.....

Monday, December 17, 2012

O what fun......

I was even productive on the plane!
So didn't think later in the week would mean the following week...sheesh...Anyway, here is a recap of our stupendous trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. We had loads of fun visiting our friend and got into plenty of shenanigans while he was at work.  Hehehehe!

So on the first day we got there we were pretty beat but decided we should make the most of the little time we had. Our first stop was In and Out Burger....of course. We discovered them on our expedition west this summer. What a delicious find.

Insert Homer, Mmmmmm......grilled cheese....*lippy smacky noises*
Next stop: Temple

Mind you I am not a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints but by all means was I seeing that enormous church. Interestingly enough all the roads in SLC lead to Temple. The Church of Latter Day Saints is located at the very heart of the city and all streets are named, rather numbered, by its proximity to Temple. If you live on 2700 South that means you are 27 blocks south of Temple. This made the city extremely easy to navigate.

Saturday we went skiing. Best snow on earth. I tried snowboarding for the first but hurt. Alot.

Sunday.....we went to the public library and to our surprise there was a craft show !!!! Some of Utah's finest were exhibiting their wears and accoutrements at the appropriately named Craft Sabbath. I of course bought some really neat swag.

From left to right counter-clockwise:

The Emperor's Tea booth was great! They gave free samples and smiles all day long! What wonderful people! Wish I got their names :/ The tea was super delicious especially the Raspy Raspberry, Black Christmas and Pepperminty! They pride themselves on being super local and super all natural. You can check out their story and products here and here.

My next stop was bykali. Kali makes wonderful wearable and hanging artwork from all sorts of found objects. She had some very beautiful earrings and necklaces containing things like aspen leaves, nails, bolts and interesting graphics. I could have spent a fortune here, simply wonderful and super creative! You can own one of your very own by visiting her etsy site here.

Last but not least there was Spotted Hippo Soap. I actually went to this booth first. The wonderful smell of the handmade soaps drew me in. I was sniffing everything! Finally settled on the Beer Soap, she uses actual beer in the process! Think mine is a lager but I'm not a drinker so who knows, either way it smells amazing can't wait to use it. You can follow Spotted Hippo Soap here and here.

Shop local first! Support your local artists!

And finally the grand finale .......Piper' Quilts & Comforts. As a quilter traveling to quilt mecca, ie Utah, it was only customary that I find, gawk, and buy something from a local quilt shop. Luckily there was one very close to our friends and off I went with 3 men to a quilting/knitting shop. In the midst of fabric overload my boyfriend's friend came up with a brilliant plan. I should collect fabric from all the states I travel too and make a "states" quilt from all the findings! This is my first from Utah.

It was a really adorable shop. They had all sorts of wonderful things on the walls. They specialized in children's wears and had a ton of really cute knitted hats and clothes. They have great tutorials on their blog and fabric selection here. I definitely want to try this soon. I bought an awl today just in case I get the urge to try it. Unfortunately, there aren't a ton of pictures since in the same moment we went to Piper's I conveniently "lost" my camera. It was in my luggage :/ So enjoy the pictures my boyfriend so begrudgingly happily let me take with his phone.

All in all it was an amazing trip and I need to get back west ASAP. My heart belongs in the mountains.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Sorry for the lapse in posts. I was beautiful Utah!  My boyfriend, his buddy and I went out for a four day weekend getaway to see a friend. Was nice to get away from the stress of work and New Jersey for a while.

Things are much more laid back out there, a lot slower which is great. And I seriously can't get enough of the mountains! God how I love those mountains..... I'm pretty sure I'm meant to live on the western end of the states.

I will post later on in the week regaling you with all the fun things we got into!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Wall Hanging

A while back I decided I would make a Christmas wall hanging to liven up my home for the holiday season.  I thought it would also be a great way to use up some scraps!  I was hoping it wouldn't wind up like all the best laid plans for holiday wall hangings,  stuffed in the bottom of my sewing bag......and it didn't. Here's what I have so far.

Yes. Those are pirates ships. I love that blanket.

I'm in love with this star block. You can find a tutorial for it here.

I made a slight variation of the block by adding little triangles to all four corners to continue the octagonal shape.  To make the block large enough for a wall decoration, I plan on adding borders.  I've already fussy cut some green dot fabric I had from last years pot holders and applied it in a way that when the next border is added you will see the dots all line up framing the block! I can't wait to finish it up!

Monday, November 26, 2012

A little something special

So I was a little nervous about my first post. How'd I do??? I guess I was more nervous to hit that post button and put myself out there then anything else. Its amazing the power a little button can have over you.

Anywho...I thought I would just roll right into the awesome sewing craftasticness!

As a crafting/sewing junkie I find that 99% of the time I am making for others. The moment someone is wrapped up in a quilt I've made for them or is daily using a bag I've sewed especially for them, it makes my heart do kart wheels!  This is why I do what I do, to make others feel happy and loved.

Meet Auntie Mary.

Isn't she so cute!  She is 92 years young, sharp as a tack, and the sweetest woman I know. 

My Grandmother passed away when I was a very young girl and I never got to know her.  But my Auntie Mary swooped in as the best stand in I could have ever asked for!  Being my Grandmother's older sister, she took on the role as proud segregate Grandmother serving up double doses of love and "homemade" pies.  She never sends me home without something sweet, lots of kisses and a magical fiver which, unbeknownst to me, somehow finds its way into my shirt or jeans pocket .  When we go up north, my family always makes a point to visit her for a cup of tea and a chat.  Her house is still one of my most favorite stops! And its not because of the cookies or change, but because of the way she squeezes my face and in her Eastern European accent calls me her baby then asks me if I've eaten something.  Because she is so absolutely wonderful I made her this!

It's a thank you for all she's done and continues to do for me.  Now it can love her as much as she loves me.

Make sure you give your Grandparent/Grandparents an extra long hug next time you see them.  I swear it will bring a little sunshine to both of your days!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

So it begins....

Hello and welcome to Sew Nomadic! I am very glad you've stopped by!

Disclaimer:  I am not one for technology....its completely alien to me even though I'm in my 20s, but I am willing to learn.....maybe.  I guess I just want everyone to know I've never done this before, the whole blog thing, but I want to try. I think its a great way to share common interests, ideas, and experiences with a global community.  I am excited for this journey and hope you are just as excited to read about it.

The reason I decided to start a blog was to share my love of quilting, sewing, and crafting. And of course there will be a little bit of life thrown in between!  I think blogging is an excellent tool and that's part of why I'm getting involved.  I've gained so much inspiration from blogs I follow and get genuinely excited to read their new posts! All I can say is if you're willing, I'll be glad to take you on this journey.  It might be a little bumpy so bare with me.  I think you'll find it might be halfway interesting.

Thank you again for stopping by. I'll hopefully be posting more in the upcoming weeks!