
Monday, February 4, 2013

Status Report

I can't believe its February!

Things have been super busy around here lately and I thought a mini vaca was in order. We just needed a breather from the stress of work and fighting the winter blues. Luckily, we have a friend who owns a home in the Poconos and is more then willing to share. So off we went this weekend for some mountainy goodness. It was so refreshing. Sorry for the lack of pictures...I didn't take the camera out once.

I was just so happy to have some time to kick back and relax. I started on a Honey Cowl a little while back and this weekend was the perfect opportunity to get knitty gritty....derp....craft humor.

I'm hoping to finish it soon. As mentioned here, I figured out how to hold the yarn in my right hand and knitting has been going swimmingly ever since! I really have to restart the Herringbone Cowl asap!

O and before we left, I also managed to whip up screw up some piping for my latest project.

Big waste of time, remind me to never try this again. Piping is the devil. I've decided I'm just going to bind it like a normal human being. Same effect less mayhem.

Well guess its back to work for me. Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week!